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A Digital Lucky Draw is an effective method of conducting lucky draws online through live streaming under COVID-19. With all participants pre-registered in registration website, the host can start the real-time lucky draw by using a tablet. And the result draws will be done automatically and play out in real time.
- Lucky Draw
- QR Scan on Live Stream
During the live stream of URA 20th Anniversary Staff Virtual Celebration, some QR codes appear from time to time. Players can use their mobile phone to scan QR code to enter an event page, and collect certain amount of QR codes throughout the live stream. Once they collected all and fill in some information in registration page, then they will be entering a special lucky draw.
We provided a Web AR solution for this URA 20th Anniversary event game, players are to look for QR code that hide in the venue and use their mobile phone to scan QR code, then comes to an AR Camera page to take a selfie with the mascot and URA logo. With the share function to share their selfies via whatsapp, players will get the chance to win a prize.
- AR Camera

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